Saturday, August 6, 2011

Early Encounter with the Sasquatch

During Leif Erikson's and his men's exploration of Markland, present day Newfoundland,1 Erikson and his men encountered creatures which were horribly ugly, hairy, swarthy and with big black eyes.2  I have also read that these creatures uttered harsh cries.3

This is one of the earliest, if not the earliest sighting of a Sasquatch in North America.

Sources: 1. Claws, Jaws, and Dinosaurs, by Dr. Kent Hovind and William J. Gibbons, published by CSE publications, 1999

2.  The European Discovery of America - The Northern Voyages. MORISON, SAMUEL ELIOT (1971) Oxford University Press.

3. Claws, Jaws, and Dinosaurs, by Dr. Kent Hovind and William J. Gibbons, published by CSE publications, 1999

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