Monday, August 8, 2011

An Angry Wildman

Below is a report of a Wildman (Bigfoot) being captured.  I recently posted another story of a Bigfoot being captured in 1784, and so I thought this would also be interesting, for, if both these stories are true, then that would mean that, not one, but two Bigfoots were captured, and that the capturing of these two Bigfoots were only 16 years apart!  Here is the report:

Sunday, August 17, 1800


Unknown London, England publication

There is now in the River an astonishing large Hairy Wild Man, caught 400 miles from the Cape of Good Hope, brought over in the Rambler, South Sea Whaler; he is of astonishing muscular strength, a specimen of which had nearly proved fatal to one of the Custom-house Officers, who inadvertently went too near him; he seized hold of the man, twirled him about two or three times with the greatest velocity, and then threw him over the side. Luckily the man escaped with a horrid fright and a sound decking.


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